My rating: 5 of 5 stars


S. L. Scott you’re the queen! This book was SO. DAMN. GREAT – Literally, Ridge was everything I could have hoped for and more. This second-chance romance is the fourth book in The Crow Brothers series and OMG, I FLOVED this book! I am not going to surprise anyone that follows my reviews by reviewing another rockstar romance because yes, I am a junkie 😊 but I absolutely adore the way S.L. Scott writes rockstars. The stories are about the music—absolutely, but they are so much more as well. S. L. Scott writes outstanding heroes/heroines and diverse plots that you can get utterly lost in. I am often compelled to read from start to finish without a break because I get very wrapped up in the story she’s telling. Ridge was one of these books. I started it and read straight through cause I couldn’t get enough of the sexy and sweet second chance romance. And those characters? You just connect with them so fast, you root for their HEA and can get absolutely lost in the delicious chemistry and sexy times! And when I say sexy times, I mean SEXXXY times – cold showers, changing your batteries, and/or changing your panties are all very inherent in a book that S. L. Scott delivers. Ridge exceeded everything I expected for the story and I fell hard for these characters.

Now, I won’t bother to spin a version of the synopsis of this book, because S. L. Scott provides one that’s far better than anything I could say. I will tell you that in Ridge, readers follow Ridge and Meadow as they come together to find their way to their HEA. With Meadow’s past weighing her down like an anchor at sea, she struggles to let Dave/Ridge in. And Dave, the Crow Brother who isn’t a Crow – the outsider who isn’t… The instance chemistry between the two was apparent in Rivers, (the third book in the series) and we weren’t even reading their story from either Ridge or Meadow’s perspective. Ridge is a duel perspective romance so now readers are in their heads and it’s beautiful and oh so right! I seriously loved them together. And while the characters were introduced in the previous book, have no fear, you can absolutely pick up Ridge and read it as a standalone. Of course, I am ‘that’ person who always wants to read things in order and so I will always tell you it enhances the reading pleasure of the book.

I’m quick to throw out S. L. Scott’s name when asked for author recommendations since I love her romances. But S. L. Scott makes that a no-brainer because I’m always impressed that each story while consistent in quality, is so inherently different! It’s easy to support an author who writes this way because I never get bored with her stories. If you haven’t read the Crow Brother Series, I would tell you to one-click them IMMEDIATELY. You will be binge reading them for sure… and it’s a domino affect because soon you will be one-click everything in S. L. Scott’s backstock in short order. It’s basically what I’ve done since I discovered her words… LOL. If you are looking for an outstanding romance that will grip you start to finish, Ridge is definitely going to fit the bill.


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