I strive to provide the best possible experience for both Author and reader. Editing is more than just spelling and grammar, therefore, your work is also inspected for:

  • Repetitive words
  • Plot holes
  • Character growth/progression
  • POV Changes
  • Awkward transitions/phrasing
  • Ample/excessive backstory
  • Flow
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
Line and Copy Editing: $0.008/word

–Line and Copy Editing is an in-depth service focusing on your writing, content, and concepts. Included in this service is in-line changes to the plot, characters, tense, pacing, perspective, grammar, consistency, accuracy, repetition, readability, clarity, and transitions. This option includes one proofreading after the initial edit and a final read-through just before publishing. This extensive triple step process ensures optimal satisfaction with your final product.

Developmental Editing: $0.010/word

– If your manuscript isn’t ready for my copy editing services, you might consider Developmental Editing. This service is different and more extensive than copy/line editing. The primary goal of this service is to help refine your writing skills, overall manuscript, and concept. When you use my developmental editing services, I will work closely with you throughout the writing process to ensure your work is the best it can be. Additionally, I will include in-line editing and an overall report to assist you with character development, pacing, and plot issues. Essentially, this service is a combination of copy and line editing, beta reading, and writing coaching. I will read the manuscript a total of 3 times at this rate. If additional read throughs are necessity, each additional read through will be at half price or $0.005/word.

Some authors prefer to have phone conversations to plot/strategize their novels. I offer this service after the first read through of your manuscript. A two hour phone consultation is provided one time. If additional phone consultations are deemed necessary, they will be billed separately and price can be determined based on my hourly rate. Please inquire about these through DM or email for a estimated quote.

Additional Services:

Proofreading: $0.003/word

– Proofreading includes checking your work for basic mistakes, such as spelling, grammar, and consistency. This service does not include punctuation or sentence structure review.

Post-edit Proofreading:

–  Post-edit proofreading is offered for previously published manuscripts. This service includes everything in the proofreading service as well as anything else I find in a single read-through, such as tense, flow, and continuity.
$75 – <20k
$100 – 20k-40k
$150 – 40k-80k
$200 – 80k-100k
$250 – 100k-120k
$300 – 120k-140k
$350 – 140k-160k