
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Over the last year, I have come to find that Ella Fields is an incredible author. From the first book I read, Frayed Silk, until her latest release, Pretty Venom, I have loved everything about her writing style and storytelling. As a romance author, her characters and the stories that unit her heroes and heroines are as important as her ability to engage the reader. Oh, and lets not forget the importance of the sexy times, cause if we are keeping it real, that sells books these days just as much as the story! 😉 Without a doubt, Ella Fields is absolutely an author that I not only one-click as soon as she releases something new, but I am constantly RECOMMENDING her books to everyone…



Now, with all that in her corner, I knew I would love Pretty Venom. After all, I have been waiting since Suddenly Forbidden, book one in the Gray Springs University Series, to see Callum get his HEA. Plus Let’s face it, I *KNEW* there was going to be a story there and having read Ella Fields previous books, it was going to be a doozy!! That said, I can honestly tell you that with the little backstory we had on Callum and Renee, I was never, absolutely NEVER expecting the story Fields gave readers with Pretty Venom. I have rarely wanted to throw my kindle quite the way I wanted to while reading a story, but I swear there was at least 4 times in this book that my kindle was in jeopardy. Now, angst is my thing, for sure, but when you combine angst, a well written plot, straight up delicious sexy times, and an asshole hero?! Yah, you pretty much have the recipe for a 5-star read from this girl! This enemies-to-lovers, sports romance gives you all of those things as well as a heroine that could also be a bit of an asshole… which I rarely see in romances and I have to say, I FLOVED!




Writing romances gives author’s the opportunity to carve their characters however much alike or different as they please, and ultimately still have a Happily Ever After. That fantasy to readers is priceless and some authors, like Fields, do it better than others. In Pretty Venom, Fields writes two affluent teens who can’t help but be drawn to one another. Yet, despite their above average means and the lifestyle that means provides them, they are no more equipped to deal in a serious relationship than the average teen. And still, Callum and Renee were truly perfect for one another, even if they created their own disaster of a relationship. But let’s face it, with New Adult romances, angst is the name of the game. They are learning how to be in mature relationships still and mistakes have to be made. Regrets exists for both characters in this turbulent romance and those choices and the pain they cause make the story heartbreakingly real. And as much as my heart ached for them, it beat overtime with each encounter between the two. Their chemistry was undeniable, the bickering and barbs traded between Callum and Renee are their own form of foreplay and the sexy-times were straight up HOT – you’ll definitely be in need of a change of panties! 😉


Now, even if Pretty Venom had nothing else going for it, the characters, the sex and realistic nature of the book would have sold me on giving it at least a 4-star review. But that’s just not the case. Pretty Venom is beautifully crafted and expertly executed to deliver the maximum affect that readers can expect from a romance. Not only will you fall in-love with the characters, but your heart will break along with them, and mend as surely as their own by the conclusion of the book. While I did not ugly cry, I came very close. Ella Fields has a unique gift and I for one can’t wait to see what she has in store for readers next. There is a reason that her books are bestsellers, and if you have held out so far in reading one, you are truly, TRULY missing out! I can’t help but say with each release that it’s my favorite because she manages to improve her stories each and every time. Pretty Venom checked every single one of my boxes. And as much as I love every book Ella Fields writes, there was just something extra spectacular about Pretty Venom.

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