Mister Bodyguard by Lauren Rowe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

WOW! Lauren Rowe writes EPIC romances!!! I FLOVED this book so damn much. It was full of emotions and had me entertained start to finish.


Earlier this year, I got to discover the amazing talents of Lauren Rowe for the first time when I was given the chance to blog about Hero. I fell head over heels for Lauren’s storytelling. You see, she has this combination that’s irresistible—super sexy, funny, and heartwarming stories. Now since I am still fairly new to Lauren’s writing, the books I have read center around the Morgan family. Yes, she has books that do not follow them, and I have bought several. But the Morgan Brothers books are what I’ve fallen the hardest for. It’s mind-blowing just how well they’re written and how consuming each book is. I quite literally don’t stop reading til I demolish the books in their entirety. I knew when I signed up this time around to blog that loving the story was a forgone conclusion, and I was right! Mister Bodyguard was beyond fantastic! It’s by no means a short book, and yet I didn’t put it down… I read straight through until the story was complete. And just as surely as I knew that I couldn’t possibly be disappointed by Mister Bodyguard, I was still reminded just what a rock I had crawled out from under in the last year… because I can’t help but question how authors like Lauren remained under my radar. Seriously, it’s a complete mystery!!! I FLOVED Zander… I knew that since he’s the honorary Morgan Brother and has played a part in each of the standalones within the series, that I already loved him. But the chance to see him get his HEA was swoon-worthy!

While I have established that I am still relatively new to Lauren Rowes books, I still feel like I have been waiting forever to read Zander Shaw’s story. I FLOVED him in Hero. His relationship with Keane (one of the Morgan Brothers and BFF Extraordinaire) had me laughing to the point I had a stitch in my side and tears running down my face. It was even worse in Ball Peen Hammer when Keane’s story was told. Yet Zander’s book?! Yah, his book was just as hilarious, and he still somehow left me helplessly infatuated. Zander had to be one of my favorite hero’s this year and I’ve read a boatload of books. Usually I fall for the straight up assholes, but Zander was the complete opposite and totally stole the show for me. He’s got a heart of gold on the body of a God and is not afraid of his feelings—who wouldn’t fall for such an outstanding specimen, #amIright?! Aloha Carmichael was the female version of Keane which made her beyond perfect for Zander. She was quickly dubbed as the Peen with a Pussy! And it was probably the most perfect nickname imaginable for this heroine. She was spunky and sweet, sexy and sincere. I loved the dichotomy of her character. Truly, this pair was just fascinating—they could hold entire conversations with their expressions and hashtags. They had off-the-chart’s chemistry… so much so that I feared my kindle nearly igniting at one point. They were so dimensional and relatable. If you’ve never had the pleasure of reading Lauren Rowe before, you will quickly learn that her sexy times will leave you in serious need—like you will NNNNNEEEEEEDDDDD a change of panties, your spouse/BOB or a cold shower 😉!

Lauren Rowes created the perfect romance between Zander and Aloha. I love how well written Mister Bodyguard was. The range of emotions sucks you in and the plot leaves you completely hypnotized. You’re sure to find this story easy to just get lost in and with a consistent pace that holds your attention. There is no way you won’t find Mister Bodyguard on your list of Five-Star Reads, so you should be one clicking right. This. Minute!


Mister Bodyguard, an all-new emotional and sexy friends to lovers romance by Lauren Rowe is NOW LIVE!

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