Memento Mori by Lexi Blake
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In the past, Lexi Blake was an automatic one-click for me the minute one of her Masters and Mercenaries books would release, yet over time, and with the number of books released in this series, I have gotten away from them. I was going to skip this one, but I also wanted to see if I still enjoyed this world as much as I used to. Memento Mori was a good book. I found that it’s well written, told in dual perspectives and is a little sexy, a lot sweet and contains the usual suspense that is inherent with this series. All of these things deserve a 5-Star rating. However, as you can see, I chose to rate this book with 4-Stars. And while nothing I have to say should bar you from reading the book, because it is a good book, I simply didn’t find it as amazing as I have others in the same series. I found it much harder to classify as a standalone because unless you read all the books in this series, you are going to be slightly lost. There is a lot happening with the characters that rely heavily on your knowledge of the past books. It is also not as erotic as the original series was and was somewhat predictable for me. I had a hard time getting into the book to start and didn’t necessarily find the characters as captivating as I have some of her previous Heroes and Heroines. So, clearly when it came time to write a review of Memento Mori, I struggled with laying out the good with the bad in a way that allowed you to judge for yourself whether the book is right for you as a reader. Honestly, it’s not a bad book – it’s just not a great one either… if you have not read the previously published books, I highly recommend you start at the beginning of this series.


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