
Lies by Kylie Scott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“Is there anything you didn’t lie to me about?”
“I wasn’t lying when I said I love you.”
“That seems ironic. Seeing as it’s the one thing you told me that I’d definitely worked out was a lie.”
“Let me convince you.”
“Prioritize, please,” I snap. “People are trying to kill us. There are bigger things to focus on here.”
“Yeah. But what if we died without having makeup sex? That’d be a tragedy.”

In true Kylie Scott fashion, Lies was a thoroughly entertaining romance that was absolutely gripping! I literally FLOVED every single moment of this single POV contemporary romantic suspense and I desperately hope she has more ideals brewing with some of the secondary characters in this story.

“You do remember this is a fake relationship you’re talking about … A lie that you manipulated and tricked me into believing.”

…there’re still all the lies and bad sex to be considered. His willingness to waste my life on a fake relationship to keep his cover intact. So yeah, not very deep down, I kind of still hate his guts and want to shoot him.

Although this is the first time Kylie Scott has ventured into romantic suspense, she did so with a liveliness that I have come to expect with her writing. Lies was suspenseful, yet strictly in a fun way. Nothing that should lead readers to believe its advancing towards a dark romance. Her storyline is packed with adrenaline spikes, sizzling chemistry, witty banter and so much more. It flowed beautifully and was unputdownable! Although I truly love a dual POV romance, there is just something about the way Kylie delivers the single perspective romance that captured my attention years ago and still manages to draw me into the story and the characters. Lies is undeniably steamy. Thom was definitely a smoke show. Instead of a closet geek who acts suave, Thom is just the opposite. He portrays himself as an average lover with a geeky demeanor to hide his true nature—the suave, debonair and giving lover who’s also a deadly secret agent that sweeps Betty off her feet and lends the story a second chance romance vibe. I found Betty to be hilarious with her boldness, the feistiness and spunk she throws at every situation she finds herself in. Without a doubt, readers will find her as endearing as I did. Combined these characters utterly captured my heart and I can’t wait to reread the book at a later date. As a blogger, my schedule is always packed, and yet every year I somehow manage to reread those books that I love the most and my favorite books. Kylie’s stories have always made it to my reread stack and it’s a true pleasure to recommend them to other readers.

…he’s become the balm to all my fears. I’ve never met anyone less like a teddy bear, and yet I want to hold him tight until the monsters under the bed go away.

The man stares at me with the heat of a thousand suns and I am dead. My emotional walls, sense of self-preservation, and various other fortifications erected over the past twenty-six years are nothing but rubble.

I was lucky to receive an early blogger’s copy of Lies, but regardless, I would one-click this one without a second thought. If you are looking for a book that will be undeniably entertaining with red-hot chemistry between the protagonists, that’s chalked full of suspense and adrenaline, Lies is sure to be your next five-star read!

If we do stay together, I’m just going to have to pull up my big girl panties and deal with Thom being away often, saving the world. I’m half proud and half terrified. It’s a precarious balance. But possibly he should have gone for someone less neurotic and with a shitty imagination.

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