My Rating: 5+++ of 5 stars


I have been incredibly lucky lately to read many great books and I kept waiting for the book that was going to break my streak of great reads. Only I expected that streak to break with a book that was ‘less than’ – you know, a 3-star read in lei of a 4 or 5 star read. Conversely, I did get a book that broke the streak… because it surpassed everything I had been reading… Kennedy Ryan writes outstanding romances. Having read the last five books she’s written, I knew that Block Shot would be sexy and captivating, but I was still unprepared for just how truly incredible I would find this book. I literally have no words. Block Shot is without a doubt my favorite book Kennedy Ryan has written. Of those books I have read by Kennedy Ryan, I can absolutely say that she writes deeply moving stories that capture readers attention within minutes of starting. Furthermore, Ryan’s stories keep you on the edge of your seat and unable to break away until you’ve read the very last words. And that’s if you’re lucky… because there are those of us who continue to process her stories long after we’ve read the final words.

I have spent days digesting Block Shot and I’m still stuck on the beauty of this particular book. There is little I can tell you about the characters or the plot without ruining the story for you and a book this beautiful needs to be discovered without spoilers. Kennedy Ryan’s words are poetic and stunning. Her characters are memorable, and the plot of Block Shot was original and incredibly addictive! Brannon Morales, the Killer with a Heart and Jared Foster, the Killer, have a romance so intense, it will set your kindles on fire. Their love story isn’t an easy one and not everyone will agree with the choices they make. I certainly struggled with a few, but what I could not deny was the absolute rightness of their relationship despite the odds. I LOVED Brannon. Her strength and goodness was incredible. Banner was so real and she’s honestly one of my favorite heroines of all time. She owns her flaws and has learned to love herself regardless of what jabs are thrown her way. I identified with her more than I can possibly express–Brannon is the heroine we are all searching for in a romance novel. Kennedy wrote a couple that represents genuine people – not fictional characters. The chemistry between Jared and Brannon was intense and sexy as hell. You’ll need more than fresh batteries or a change of panties after reading this enemies-to-lovers, second chance romance… that I can promise you. I truly can’t praise this Block Shot enough. Do not miss this book, do not pass up the chance to read Block Shot and fall in-love with Kennedy Ryan’s writing and characters.


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