Harloe Rae certainly knows how to craft a great read! Watch Me Follow starts out a little slow for me but it quickly becomes equal parts sweet and sexy! Watch me Follow is Lennon and Ryker’s story. Hiding in the shadows, watching to insure her safety, Ryker follows Lennon like a dark shadow through her days. Always looking out for her and leaving her little gifts that will make Lennon smile consumes Ryker. He’s loved her since High School. Yet she has absolutely no idea. Lennon has a secret admirer that leaves her little gifts and treasured notes on yellow sticky notes. Cloistered from so much by overbearing parents, she is innocent but in no way naïve. Lennon has never really lived. But all that changes when Ryker steps out of the shadows and into Lennon’s reality.

Readers will love Watch Me Follow for a number of reasons. Harloe Rae wrote a beautifully crafted story about two people who yearn for more. Existing but not really happy. This story is told in duel POV. I had a harder time connecting with Lennon then I did Ryker. Yet the characters Harloe Rae crafted are both really well developed. Your heart will shatter for Ryker. You’ll want to just wrap him in your arms! This contemporary romance also brings the heat! The chemistry between Ryker and Lennon is apparent immediately. I own previously released books by Harloe Rae, but this is the first book I have read. I was impressed for sure! Although initially I was slightly put off by Ryker’s stalking of Lennon, as I delved deeper into this story, my position quickly changed. Suddenly, stalking became sexy and I came to appreciate the lengths Ryker goes to to bring Lennon safety and love. Their relationship flourished sweetly as they follow the list Lennon makes. Harloe Rae’s writing was unique.

The story should not be mistaken for a strictly sweet read. There are elements of darkness. Harloe’s writing is engaging and Watch Me Follow certainly has many twists that leave readers clueless as to what is to come. I gave it four stars after debating with myself over the course of several hours whether I really liked it (4) or I flat out loved it (5)?! I struggled with the slower start of this book in addition to the disconnect I had with Lennon (and at time Ryker), I ultimately could not give it a five star. I think this book is going to be well received with readers and certainly shouldn’t be missed. Watch me follow certainly opened a door allowing stalking to be sexy. Whether you are a new or old reader of Harloe Rae, Watch Me Follow will provide you hours of entertainment and shouldn’t be missed!

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