Want You by Jen Frederick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars



This book left me COMPLETELY MINDBLOWNN! (Yes, I meant to shout that at you!) I have been reading Jen Frederick since the release of Undeclared, at which time I went back and purchase the two books she had previously released. Since that time, Jen Frederick is an author that I literally one-click every single time she writes without reading blurbs… sometimes I even purchase them on both my Nook and my Kindle. That’s how deep my love of her words goes.

From the beginning, I’ve found that Frederick’s work is absolutely beautifully written. I fell hopelessly in-love with Noah and Grace of Undeclared. It’s been my favorite story and the one that I go back to read at least every 4 to 6 months. Having said that, I do reread all of my Frederick titles with some regularity… My next revelation came completely unexpectedly and left me floundering after nearly five years of having a firm favorite! I was given the great privilege of receiving a blogger’s copy of Want You, and I can honestly say that Noah (while he will always be a book boyfriend in my heart) has been superseded by Leka Moore from Want You as my favorite Hero from Jen Frederick.



Want You is a little bit darker that Fredericks previous titles. Although it’s absolutely not a dark romance, the storyline lends itself to the criminal underworld with discussions that one would associate with a mafia romance. If you love darker reads, or mafia romance, GREAT! However, if that is normally not your thing, do not let this deter you from reading Want You! I can honestly tell you that if you find yourself a fan of Frederick, you will absolutely LOVE this book. If you are brand new to Frederick, keep in mind this is a slight departure from her normal stories. Yet, in it you will find hallmarks of her work. For example, Frederick writes romance that absolutely grabs (and maintains!) your attention from cover to cover. If you can put them down, you’re made of stronger stuff then me! I get so wrapped up in the stories she tells I can lost all track of time. Additionally, her ability to write characters and stories that have incredible depth and growth is incredible. Her characters live on in your heart long after you’ve read their stories… and that’s where I am at with Leka and Bitsy of Want You. I started this book at midnight and stayed up all night to read it. And as the mom of small children, my sleep is precious. 😉 But I literally had no idea how enthralled I was with Leka and Bitsy’s story until my husband’s alarm went off for him to get ready for work! Now it’s been days and I’m still stuck on Want You. As a woman who reads a book a day, to remained fixed on one story should say something. In this case, hopefully that something leads you to purchasing the book I am ready to write sonnets about! 😉


Want you is incredible for so many reasons. It’s told in duel perspectives, which happens to be my favorite POV to read these days. I loved the depth of love Leka had for Bitsy… a love so deep that he would have gladly given her the heart out of his chest should she have needed it. It really was beautiful… so so beautiful. Frederick wrote Leka’s devotion, patience, and selflessness as such an intrinsic part of his character that you will never question his choices, even when the plot twists and leaves you shocked! Bitsy is just as stanch in her devotion to Leka. They are a family from the minute they find one another and the relationship that evolves between them was exquisitely depicted in Want You. Now, because of the development of their characters and relationship this story is very much a delicious slow burn romance. As the reader, I can attest to the intense gathering of tensions I felt as each chapter concluded… and by the time Frederick rewards your patience with the passion that unleashes between Leka and Bitsy? Yah, a cold shower, new panties and new batteries will definitely be necessary! 😉 After all, Jen Frederick is exceptionally skilled at writing delicious dynamics and chemistry between her hero and heroine.



I believe I have given you ample reason to purchase Want You at this point. I truly would have given it more than five stars if that was possible. I believe that if you’re new to reading Jen Frederick you will find love this book every bit as much as I did, and if you’ve already established your love of her words, it’s just a no brainer to one click this one just as you do anything else she’s release! Want You is an absolutely INCREDIBLE book and it should not be missed.




Amazon: https://amzn.to/2tJbX2J

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