Title: Opium Skies

Series: In Vein #1

Author: C.M. Radcliff

Genre: Contemporary New Adult Romance

Cover Design: Cassie Chapman, Opulent Swag & Designs

Release Date: October 29, 2020


Life is full of variables.
We crave control, but in reality, we have very little.

I left home with a plan: get the full college experience and pass my classes.
But that all changed when I met him.
Ander was the last thing I needed.
He was never part of my plan.
He was the one variable in my life that I could never control.

And we were destined for destruction.

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C.M. Radcliff lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and two demon children. Known as the Psycho Queen, she speaks fluent sarcasm, dark humor, and has the mouth of a sailor. If she isn’t reading or writing, she’s probably on an adventure with her little family.


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