
Boyfriend Bargain by Ilsa Madden-Mills

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book, OMG. THIS BOOK!!! Do not read reviews. Buy Boyfriend Bargain NOW!!! Ilsa Madden-Mills latest has completely taken over as my favorite book she’s written, and I can not stress enough how much you need to read this book.

All it would take is one indication from her, a crook of her finger, a longing in her eye that she wants me, goddamn just anything and I would slay anyone in my path to get to her. But she doesn’t give it to me.

She has a wall around her, one I want to take a sledgehammer to.

Ilsa Madden-Mills has long been a favorite author of mine and I never let a release pass me up that I don’t participate in as a blogger. It’s the least I can do as a die-hard fan of the author. But she’s not one that you will ever worry about who has readers padding reviews. If you’ve read anything she’s written, you already know this. But if you’ve yet to read a book by Ilsa—a serious travesty if you are a romance junkie and you should totally be ashamed!—Boyfriend Bargain is one of the best books you’ll read this month… and for me, it’s definitely a favorite read of the year so far. Since I average 7 to 10 books a week between ARCs and Beta Reading, I don’t say that lightly. With all honesty, I have never read a book by Ilsa Madden-Mills that I would rate as less than 5 stars, and I have read them all 😉

The thing is, you can’t fix a guy with guilt so deep it cuts like a knife.

No matter what I do to make myself better, there’s a flaw so cavernous, so deep in the recesses of my mind that nothing will ever be able to repair it.

Boyfriend Bargain is a dual POV, sports/fake romance unlike any other. This book is so much more than I expected. It’s exceptionally entertaining and sucked me in from the get-go. I was so entirely entranced in the story that I read it in one sitting and it’s not a small book… but for real, no food, no breaks… one sitting! While I expect Ilsa to write seXXXy romance, Zack was an inferno for reals and his dirty talking got me seriously hot and bothered! Full Disclosure: do not read this book without your spouse on standby or your batteries charged ladies! 😉 A cold shower is not going to cut it!!!!!!! And while I never thought Dirty English would lose its rank as my favorite Ilsa book, Boyfriend Bargain totally did for me. This romance has it all: a well-developed and executed plot, the sweet and swoon-worthy moments I crave, enough angst to make your heart squeeze, some seriously witty banter, a sexy, dirty talking, broken hero! All the makings for a great read right?! Both characters were so broken, in their own ways and you can’t help but ache for them and fall helplessly into a quest for their HEA! Zack’s secrets and the wall surrounding Sugar steered an angst and eventual breakup which left me completely broken and that’s no joke. I can’t imagine someone not loving them the way I did.

His response is instant, an accelerant to a flame, his lips taking control, his tongue an invader as we go nuclear in a millisecond.

Zack Morgan is an inferno that will burn me up.

So, I will say it again, BUY. BOYFRIEND. BARGAIN. NOW!!! Stop reading reviews and get to One-Clicking… I promise you won’t be disappointed with this book!!!! I couldn’t give this book less than five-stars on any scale… Hell, I would give it more if it was remotely possible.


He’s hot as hell and it slams into you when you look at him, like a great wind in a hurricane.

He’s the king of the ice, and I’m just… no one. I come from nothing. I have nothing, literally.

if people discover I have real issues with anxiety, I’m done in the NHL, all my dreams destroyed.

He’s like dynamite, and I never know what’s going to set him off.

…There’s an earthy, dominant warrior quality to him, one that calls to the softness in me.

I just thought if there were any truth to him wanting me for me, he would have tried harder to convince me. He let me go, and I guess that tells me everything.

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