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The Independents (Books 1&2)

by Aaron L Speer

Aaron L Speer has a thriller series! He took a different tact with this one. He’s offered up a series of short stories that some think holds a mirror up to the indie community.

ORDER Both for.99¢ each :

It starts with The Independents I:

A Short Story that had Amazon Reviewers Angela R. warning: “Don’t Read This In The Dark” and KL Johnston proclaiming “[H]is craft for the written word shines.”

Screw the gatekeepers. Follow your dreams.  <3 Speerzie. Proudly “insulting the written word” since 2014


A traditionally published author decides to self-publish a new work in the hopes of igniting her stalled career. Despite roaring success, she uses lies and a fake author personality to build up a following. Her deceitful tactics come to the attention of The Independents, who have a message for her. One that may not stop with words on a screen…

You Insult One. You Insult Them All.  Then what was supposed to be a one-shot short-story took on a mind of its own and They came Back!

The second installment went live on July 4th of 2017 and Speerverse celebrated its own Independents Day!


When Ben Towers receives a lucrative publishing contract for his debut novel, it is most definitely a dream come true.

But there’s just one problem.

His former best friend, Josh, takes to social media claiming that the idea for the book was stolen by Ben. Now Josh will publish the true manuscript as an Indie author.

The controversy drives interest in the book through the roof, and although this pleases Ben’s publisher, they ask him to confirm absolutely that the book is indeed his idea, as lawyers are now necessary.

When Josh is shut down in all his avenues, the pathway to the release event is clear. Or so Ben thinks…

The Independents Series: Available at multiple retailers
Genre: Thriller/Suspense/Horror (Short Stories)

You Insult One. You Insult Them All.

The Independents I:
Universal Link:
Amazon Universal:

The Independents II:
Universal Link:
Amazon Universal:


Praise for The Independents I and The Independents II

The Independents I


“Even in such a short story, his craft for the written word shines.” — KL Johnston: Author


“A fantastic and terrifying read.” — Janine: The World Was Hers For The Reading


“…gripping from beginning to end…” — Kathryn Dee: CLiK Book Blog


“Sweet Grapes! This was awesome! …” — R.D. Hayes: Author


“This is one of those short tales that make a Kindle Unlimited subscription worth the money.” — Ron K.: Amazon Customer


The Independents II


“Aaron’s tongue in cheek commentary of the Indie book community and the drama that can occur is spectacular.” — Janine: The World Was Hers For The Reading


“…was more intense than the first one. Real life situations and great writing…” — Jessica: 2OCCReviews


“I am blown away by the detail and the imagery given in such a short story.” — Brandi: Let’s Read Romance


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